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Complaints scheme

A complaint? Discuss your dissatisfaction with your GP. If you are dissatisfied, we would appreciate you discussing it with us. If we are aware of your dissatisfaction, we can try to resolve it for you. If you are dissatisfied with your GP, the POH or the doctor's assistant, report it to us immediately. Your complaint will be investigated and we will contact you to discuss the complaint together and try to resolve the dissatisfaction.

If you find it difficult to report your complaint by phone, it is also possible to do so by email or letter. We will ensure you receive a response from us within 3 weeks.

If this is difficult for you or you cannot come to an agreement with us, your doctor will put you in touch with an independent and impartial DOKh complaints officer. You will have a conversation with the complaints officer. This person catches you and your complaint, as it were. The complaints officer supports you throughout the process. You can ask questions, get advice and, if necessary, help with formulating your complaint in writing. Once your complaint is clear, you will work with the complaints officer to find a solution. The first option usually chosen is complaint mediation. Many complaints can be resolved in a conversation where an impartial mediator sits at the table.

If both you and your doctor indicate that mediation is desirable, an initial mediation meeting will follow within two weeks. The complaints officer will act as mediator. During the mediation talks, you and your doctor will have the opportunity to explain the event(s). As mutual understanding grows, a workable situation often arises again. The ultimate goal of mediation is to restore the relationship between you and your doctor.

If, despite the mediation talks, you do not come to an agreement, the complaints officer will support you in any next step. Your complaint then becomes a dispute.

More information on the disputes committee is here find.

Visiting and postal address
DOKh Foundation Robijnstraat 6 1812 RB ALKMAAR

Contact details
T 072 - 527 91 00 (Secretariat)
T 072 - 520 83 25 (Disputes and complaints procedure)
E secretariaat@dokh.nl
E klachtenengeschillen@dokh.nl

The DOKH secretariat can be reached on weekdays from 8.30am to 4.30pm at the above phone number.

Choose language
Dutch Dutch
English English
From Friday evening to Sunday evening, patient environments and the Your Care Online app will be unavailable

Please note: From Friday evening 26 July (6pm) to Sunday evening 28 July (6pm), our online patient environment and the Your Care Online app will be unavailable. This is being worked on to improve the performance of our services. From Monday 29 July, everything will work properly again. This applies to all practices.

Thank you for your understanding.

Tip: Order your (repeat) medication before the weekend.
